Textür Beauty Bar

Textür Beauty Bar

No show / Cancellation Policy

Any appointment canceled less than 24 hours before the scheduled time, or no shows completely will be charged a fee of $25.

We kindly request that all Tuesday appointments be canceled no later than 3pm

on the previous Saturday to avoid any charges .

Multiple no show/late cancellations will result in removing the ability to book online future appointments.

“Re do” Policy

We want you to love your experience at Textur! We do our best during consultation to understand and achieve your needs/wants. However, sometimes we need to fine tune it! Want to take your layers up a little more? You have 7 days to let our team know and we will happily accommodate you free of charge!

However, if you tried something (say, you went dark from super blonde) and you’re just not loving the change you thought you would, that would be a different service that would be charged. If you have any questions we encourage you to reach out to us and we will help you!